Monthly Newsletter and Missions Update: November-December 2022:

Happy New Year from Embrace!

As usual, we’re excited to share about the things God has been doing at and through Embrace during the last 2 months of 2022.


Thanksgiving is not a popular holiday in Kenya, though for us it’s a great opportunity to teach our boys the importance of gratitude and recognizing God’s blessings in their lives. As per tradition, a guest pastor preached the Word of God and the boys shared personal testimonies and memorized Bible verses. A special lunch was followed by a fun station game, all of which made Thanksgiving Day memorable for many boys who celebrated it for the first time in their lives.

New Beginnings after the Center

Andrew Ochien’g came to Embrace in April 2022. Over 8 months, we witnessed him change, heal and mature. After giving his life to Christ, he went though discipleship classes, demonstrating interest in understanding the Bible and growing spiritually. He was one of the quickest to memorize Scripture during our weekly Bible Memory Challenge. He is currently staying with his grandmother and eagerly awaiting the start of the new school year.

Although our goal for each boy is a successful home placement, few exceptions exist where a boy cannot be placed with his family. Joseph Githua has been at Embrace since opening day, almost 2 years ago. After many reintegration efforts, we concluded there is no better family for Joseph than his Embrace family. He is 19 years old and since he could not go back to join school, Embrace offered him employment as an Intern Assistant and he is joyfully helping out in various ways at Embrace while learning to live independently and responsibly. He is staying with one of our staff members who graciously agreed to host him. Joseph is continuing to attend discipleship classes at Embrace and is thankful to God and Embrace for transforming his life!

Following Up on Boys at Home

Upon follow up visits to our boys who are at home, our team learns about their true progress by speaking directly with the boys and their family members. Sometimes we receive very encouraging reports and other times we uncover sad news and challenges our boys are going through, where they require our support and intervention.

Boniface, Morris, Duncan and Maxwell successfully wrote their Primary School Exams after completion of Class 8. They are hoping to continue to Secondary Education, and we couldn’t be more proud of them! John Kamau is finishing up his course in welding and is thankful Embrace gave him the chance to learn a trade skill and open up job opportunities.

Francis has been facing many challenges since going home in September. He shared that his adult family members who stay nearby have been abusing drugs and even tempting Francis to go back to his former addictions. Francis says “I have been trying to stay strong but I ask Embrace to please pray for me”. He is hopeful to join school soon.

During another home visit, we discovered that Brian (name changed) has been undergoing physical abuse by his stepfather. We intervened by involving government officials who could help ensure Brian’s safety as well as supported him with a mattress after discovering he has been sleeping on the floor. Brian was very grateful to Embrace for the support and encouragement.

All of our boys at home need our prayer support as they continue to settle in their families and face difficulties.

December - Christmas Season at Embrace

December has been busy and exciting, which kept our boys engaged and decreased our expected runaway rate! Daily Advent devotions reminded the boys of the meaning of our Saviour’s birth. Fun activities included building projects (animal houses and personal piece of furniture), sports events, talent show, a secret Santa game (where boys learned the meaning of “it is more blessed to give than to receive”), and of course a special Christmas program where they were involved in acting out the Nativity story and received gifts.

We were also thankful to have the help of our visitors Malika and Mark, who joined us during these busy months and were a blessing to our boys and team!

If you have the desire to serve either short or long term at Embrace in Kenya, please feel free to reach out to us!

As we reflect on 2022, the faithful hand of God is evident in every area of Embrace ministry. Despite many changes and challenges, we witnessed many answered prayers and changed hearts, desires, lives, futures and families.

We are also grateful for every partner and person who is not here physically but supports Embrace financially and prayerfully.

We thank God for a blessed year and look forward to a fruitful 2023!


Monthly Newsletter and Missions Update - Winter 2023


Monthly Newsletter and Missions Update: September-October 2022: