Monthly Newsletter and Missions Update - Winter 2023

Embrace is 2 years old!

On January 19th, we celebrated Embrace’s 2nd birthday! Many people joined us for the special celebration, including Stephen Manyeki, who was reunited with his family after his rehabilitation and came back to share his testimony and encourage the boys.

As we reflected back on the past 2 years (and the journey prior to the opening day), God’s faithful hand has been evident every step of the way. The list is endless, but some of the blessings we have experienced since the beginning of this ministry include: God’s perfect timing in the provision of team members and partners, financial support, physical and spiritual protection as well as the building of relationships with other organizations and local government officials. Not to mention, the work that only God can do in the hearts of people- repentance, spiritual growth, and freedom.

Over the past two years, hundreds of boys have come through our Center and more than 50 of them have been reunited with their families!

Spontaneous Safari Trip

In early January we surprised our boys with a spontaneous trip to the Nairobi Safari Walk and Animal Orphanage. They were hoping for the trip to be in December, but those who overcame the heightened temptations to escape Embrace were rewarded with a spontaneous field trip. For the majority of our boys it was the first time they got to encounter wild animals in close proximity. It was an unforgettable Embrace memory!

Family Reintegration and Life at Home

Since the beginning of 2023, 11 boys have successfully transitioned from our rehabilitation program onto the next chapters of their lives. Brian Habakkuk, Charles Msilii, John Muiruri, Hesbon Nyangarez, Shadrack Ben, Caleb Onyango, Michael Mwaura Caleb Kioko, Michael Educan and Daniel Kioko were all reunited with extended family members, the majority of them being in distant and rural areas.

Numerous requirements are initially demanded when a child is admitted to school, making it a difficult process for many struggling parents and guardians.

Embrace supports the majority of our boys at home with the initial costs of documentation and obtaining all of the necessary school supplies. This includes items such as school uniforms, shoes, bags, books etc. Boys are frequently sent home from school when their guardians fail to pay all of the mandatory fees. In these cases, Embrace steps in to ensure they can continue to attend school. In some cases where food is insufficient at home, we cover lunch program expenses to allow children to eat at school.

We also follow up on the boys’ spiritual progress. This includes inquiring about their Bible reading habits, church involvement, family relationships and addressing any issues which arise.

Our boys are very grateful to receive the financial, spiritual, emotional and prayer support from Embrace. These visits and phone calls often play a great role in increasing the likelihood of children remaining at home long term and preventing them from going back to the streets when challenges arise.

Nesta Maina (12 years old) also left Embrace after staying for 13 months. Unfortunately, he is among the few boys where a family placement was not possible despite our extensive efforts. Nesta was taken to a Boarding School where he currently stays and studies and he thanks Embrace for giving him the opportunity to pursue an education.

Bravin Wanjala and Emmanuel Ramsey are currently with their potential placement families on Short Home Stays. This is an important part of the reintegration process as it allows for family bonding, the discussion of expectations and future plans and helps all sides to be confident in the placement decision.

New Friendships

At the end of February, Embrace had a team of fourteen people visit from the United States and Canada. The team organized a four day camp for the boys at the Center which included several unique activities, games and lessons. Most importantly, the love they showed boys allowed them to build meaningful relationships within a short time frame. The team also coordinated a two day retreat for our Kenyan staff & missionary team. The retreat included very relevant and informative seminars, as well as a great opportunity for team building at a beautiful scenic venue. Thank you to the team for the blessed experience!

Marina Heads Back Home

At the end of March, we said goodbye to another missionary who has been a part of Embrace since August of 2021. Marina Kondryuk played a great role in various areas of the ministry including finances, administrative responsibilities and overseeing different programs. She will be missed at Embrace!

Current Events in Kenya

Praise God for the long-awaited rains! Many parts of Kenya are finally receiving rain after a prolonged dry season, restoring agriculture which many people depend on for survival.

For the past few weeks, anti-government protests have been taking place in Nairobi and other cities throughout Kenya. Unfortunately, they have brought violence and aggression, affecting our street rescue process and the safety of street children.

Please pray for peace in Kenya during this uncertain time.

Our prayer and desire is to continue reaching more street boys with the Gospel and tangible love

of Jesus Christ. We remember every boy who is at home and support them in their journey.

Your prayers, financial support and encouragement play a great role in empowering our team to

continue to serve in this ministry.

Thank you! May God bless you!


Monthly Newsletter and Missions Update: November-December 2022: