Monthly Newsletter and Missions Update: September-October 2022:

Starting a New Chapter at Home

Embrace Rehabilitation Center is a place for former street boys to change their lives, characters and desires and gain vital skills.When it comes to family reunification and deciding on next steps , we recognize our need for God’s wisdom and guidance for each boy. Since He knows their future and what is best for them, our desire and prayer is to make decisions within God’s will for each boy we are entrusted with.

Over the past 2 months, 5 boys left Embrace to begin a new chapter of their lives with their families! Wilson Oyoko (top right) and Stephen Manyeki (bottom right) spent almost 1 year at Embrace. Our reintegration team worked hard to trace their families and find the best home placement options for them. Francis Abuba is now living with his grandfather who is providing for him and his needs. Brian Musyoka was reunited with his family. All these boys are continuing their education or awaiting to be admitted to school.

Junior Ochieng (17 years old) was placed to live with his aunt who is happy to be taking care of Junior (top right). Due to mistreatment in school associated with his former street life, Junior joined a Mechanic Training Course, hoping to find a job in the future and provide for himself.

Samuel Baraka went home in April but due to challenges at home, returned to the streets. After several days, he came to Embrace, requesting assistance to be taken home again after he realized home is the best place for him. Many boys do not return to Embrace after running away from home placement so Samuel’s decision was very encouraging!

We praise God for His faithfulness and provision in the lives of these boys and pray for them as they continue to settle in their new lives.

Wilson Oyoko (top right) and Stephen Manyeki (bottom right) spent almost 1 year at Embrace.

Wilson Oyoko (top right) and Stephen Manyeki (bottom right) spent almost 1 year at Embrace.

Missionaries and Visitors

Mary Goryuk said goodby e to Embrace after serving faithfully and wholeheartedly for the past 2 years. Mary was involved in many areas including program development, discipleship, medical care, overseeing the Reintegration progress and many other leadership and behind the scenes roles. She was a great encouragement for our team and boys and she will be missed at Embrace!

Mark Bondaruk joined us at Embrace from the US for 1 month. He enjoyed many sports and outdoor activities with the boys and helped with construction and maintenance around the Center. A few part time staff as well as a Kenyan intern were of great help in the absence of some of our full time staff members and times the Center was at almost full or full capacity of 30 boys.

Sunday evenings at Embrace consist of bonfires where guests are invited to attend, share their testimonies and encourage the boys. Recently we have received donations from guests of clothes, shoes and food items which are needed daily at the Center. God continues to be faithful in providing the right people and resources in His perfect timing!

Challenges & Prayer Requests

Many parts of Kenya are currently facing a severe drought caused by several failed consecutive rainy seasons, resulting in one of the harshest droughts the East African region has seen in a few decades.Food prices have increased and some of our boys are currently struggling with lack of food at home. (Food has also been less accessible than usual on the streets for children, which has been a blessing in disguise as more boys have been coming to the Center on their own. One time, a group of 13 boys came requesting to be admitted!) A few areas have received some rains recently but along with the rest of Kenya, we are trusting God to send rain to the affected areas.

As December approaches, we anticipate to face additional challenges as boys are usually drawn to the streets during the holiday season where they are offered money, special food and entertaining programs by other organizations and volunteers. We hope that engaging programs and activities will help encourage our boys to stay at Embrace and continue with the rehabilitation process. Pray for them to experience God’s strength in overcoming temptations.

One of our staff members has been seriously ill and unable to serve at Embrace. We are praying and trusting God for His healing. Please continue praying for our all our boys - those at the Center, already at home and those on the streets who still need to be rescued. As well as our team- for God to continue renewing our physical, emotional and spiritual strengths.

Thank you to all who faithfully support Embrace with your prayers and finances. Members of the body of Christ have different roles and our work in Kenya would not be possible without each of you. God bless you!


Monthly Newsletter and Missions Update: November-December 2022:


Monthly Newsletter and Missions Update: May-June 2022: