Embrace Kenya Center

The focus of ‘Embrace a Street Child’ is to spread the Gospel to the children of the Kenyan street. These children are exposed to abuse not only on the streets, but in their very own home as well.  As a result of various traumatizing experiences such as rejection by their families, poverty,  broken families, horrible home situations and peer pressure, it unfortunately forces these children to leave their homes at an early age. 

Through living on these streets, this community experiences hunger, violence, and often end up addicted to drugs such as industrial glue and jet fuel. Their means of survival is through hustling for food and money through actions of begging and stealing. 

Our rescue center in Nairobi allows us to build relationships with this community where these children have the opportunity to begin the process of spiritual and physical rehabilitation.  This organization offers counseling, Biblical education/discipleship, remedial academic lessons, and gives an introduction to life skills.  They also offer a variety of games, sports, crafts and developmental activities.  Our overarching hope is to show this community that they are not forgotten, that God loves and cares for them deeply, and that they too can have the freedom that only Christ alone can give.

During the process of rehabilitation, we begin learning about the child’s family background and tracing their home. This consists of several home visits to determine why the child ran away and if reunification with immediate family is possible.  In some cases, we continue tracing extended family members until we find the best environment for the child.  Once the child and family are well prepared, the child is reunited with the family by means of home placement. Through ongoing follow ups, we empower them with the physical, spiritual and emotional tools they need to ensure long term success.

Monthly Newsletter and Missions Update: March-April 2022:
Embrace Kenya Center David Shakhunov Embrace Kenya Center David Shakhunov

Monthly Newsletter and Missions Update: March-April 2022:

Visitors at Embrace

We had an exciting group of visitors in the month of March. Alex, the founding director of Embrace, alongwith Tim, Lesya and Elijah from the US came to spend aweek and use their talents to serve Embrace. As part of the rehabilitation program, our goal is to expose the boys to hands-on learning, explore new subjects and aim to spark an interest in education. Our visitors brought special kits to conduct an Electricity workshop, giving the boys a chance to put their understanding into practice by (safely) connecting all the parts from a light switch to a light source. Needless tosay, several boys have since become aspiringelectricians. Alex, Tim, Lesya, and Elijah …

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