Baja for Christ

Church planting has been a tough journey, but with God’s guidance, it became possible.  In 2018, Bryte Church from Sacramento lived out the vision of church planting and started having annual trips to Vicente Guerrero, Mexico.  These trips held the valuable goal of spreading the gospel through a kids and adult program. With language barriers, God led us to a local church in Rosarito that passionately serves Christ.  This local group consists of about 40 people who live in the church and actively run the church’s daily activities, while simultaneously attending Christian seminars.  As this group prepares lessons for the children, we help by assistings with physical needs and provide support with variety of activities such as sports, crafts, and music station. 

In 2019, a local church was built in Viciente Guerrero and is still to this day active and growing. They have already had baptisms and the church is growing with new members.  Praise God!  In the city of San Quintin, another local church is being built and it is already active with gatherings. Locals have been getting involved and comfortable with the church as they see the passion that it has for Christ.  As we move forward our goal is to continue with the momentum of planting new churches as we move towards south of Mexico.  

In 2021, a dear family from Bryte Church (David and Irina Slobodenko with their 3 children) decided to fulfill their calling and move to Mexico as long term missionaries.  They are planning to open an opportunity to help the new church thrive and spread the Good News. God is using them as they sacrifice and commit to their calling. Our goal is for the light of the gospel to be revealed to the unreached as God's work continues and lives are changed!