Get to Know More about San Quintin Project


About five years ago, Bryte Church approached me with an offer to organize a youth trip to Mexico. At that time, I had just moved from Russia to the USA. I began to look for people who were already engaged in the Mexico ministry. After some time, I went with a group of 70 people. This was the beginning of our journey…

My Family

We got married 7 years ago and God gave us 3 beautiful children. My wife and I take to heart Jesus’ words in Matthew 28:19 "Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit.” We are planning to move to Mexico beginning of October of 2022 for a midterm mission. We will continue our auxiliary ministry, and more specifically, planting and strengthening new churches. We will also help to grow those serving at Bryte Church. At San Quentin, we plan to have a base that will allow us to accept brothers and sisters as long-term missionaries, and provide them with work according to their gifts, train them to spread the Gospel and ignite them to serve all over the world.

My Family

We got married 7 years ago and God gave us 3 beautiful children. My wife and I take to heart Jesus’ words in Matthew 28:19 "Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit.” We are planning to move to Mexico beginning of October of 2022 for a midterm mission. We will continue our auxiliary ministry, and more specifically, planting and strengthening new churches. We will also help to grow those serving at Bryte Church. At San Quentin, we plan to have a base that will allow us to accept brothers and sisters as long-term missionaries, and provide them with work according to their gifts, train them to spread the Gospel and ignite them to serve all over the world.

Our Plans

The task of my family will be to provide for the new congregation and the missionary pastor (whom the church from Rosarito sends to San Quentin) and help start a small business that will provide solely for the development of the ministry. We also plan to work with the Mixtec population and deliver the Gospel to them, so that in heaven the name of the Lord is glorified in one additional language.

Our Mission

In the beginning of last fall, we helped the Rosarito church purchase land in the city of San Quintin in order to establish a new church there. In the meantime, Pastor Marcus and his church in Rosarito were preparing missionaries to go there in order to start working. At this moment, we are 50% ready for the opening of the new church building. All this time, the Rosarito church has been making trips to San Quentin, doing local outreach. Most of the people there are from the Mixtec tribe who migrated to that part of Mexico for work. By the way, this is the reason the church from Rosarito chose the city of San Quentin. The Mixtec people are not yet reached in this region, that is, they do not have an Evangelical church and a pastor who would speak their native language. Thus, the primary service that we will be doing in Mexico is to help our brothers and sisters from Rosarito in the planting of new churches. We are going to be both on the frontlines and in a support role, as we see that our cooperation leads to great results in the work of the Lord.


Completing the Roof